Hello all you fashion addicts out there!




Otkrila sam ovu predivnu francusku modnu marku na prošlogodišnjem izletu u Francusku.
Zove se MANOUSH i nemam pojma štoznači - možda Gipsy? 
Poznavajući nas, odmah je fotoaparat bio spreman za slikanje. 
( Iako je to zabranjeno u Galleries Lafayette, no nas to nije previše zabrinjavalo ... )
On my trip to France last year, I discovered this beautiful French fashion brand called MANOUSH  
(I wonder what it means, I must find out). We took the photographs in Galleries Lafayette.

 I want that dress really badly! Kada malo bolje razmislim, I want all MANOUSH dresses really badly!

 And this one would look very nice on my next Disco fever evening...



These dresses are fantastic!



Why do I always have to find some beautiful shoes on the Internet wich I will never get??? I don't like to suffer!
These are my shoes of the week... or at least one shoe...

Miss Selfridge

          You can see more of it right here: MISS SELFRIDGE, TOP SHOP and DOROTHY PERKINS



I'm definitely sure that you have already heard about Tim Walker but I can't resist to write something about him. He is an absolutely amazing artist and his photos are masterpieces. I LOVE his work and one day, if I have the chanche, I would like to work with him. I think that he is one of the best!

Everything you would like to know about him and his life is on Tim Walker

Imagine what it would be like if he does a photosession with you...WOW...Would you like to be in his photographs? I sure would!



Today I've been trying to decorate the gloves my grandma knitted for me.

I hope one day they will be finished. Maybe for the next winter.



It's all about love (and  a little bit of fashion ofcourse!)....
Happy Valentine's day!

Cute..Isn't it?

Sonia Rykiel

Sunglasses of love...

J. Maskrey diamante heart clutch

Patrick Kelly... He was the first African American Designer to be elected to the famed Parisian Chambre Syndicate.



Do you have a younger sister? Do you hate when she takes your clothes, and then even dare to pose and take photographs in YOOOOUUUURRR CLOOOTHEEESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





I dalje smo prekriveni snijegom. Kako vidite, gombica je na glavi, a Stefanelov crni kaputić od preklani, zamjenila sam sa novim, ovim rozim iz Top Shopa. Uspjela sam ga iskamčiti od mame, kad smo bili u Zagrebu, za vrijeme zimskih praznika. Naravno da Top Shopa nema u Osijeku, a kamoli u Vinkovcima. 

We are still covered in snow. As you can see, my pom pom is right on my head. I replaced my old black Stefanel coat, I bought two years ago, with this pink one from Top Shop. I got it from my mum, when we were in Zagreb, during winter holidays. Pointless to say, there is no Top Shop neither in Osijek (where I go to school) nor in my hometown Vinkovci. That's a shame!

Uz moj pink kaput odlično pašu roze Marte koje sam lani kupila na rasprodaji (150 kn!) u Benettonu (Graz). Malo sam ih kastomizirala (od riječi customize - prilagodi dizajn sebi) tako što sam polijepila stakalca iz Bagata. Imala sam dovoljno ukrasa samo za jednu Martu, poslije mi se nije dalo lijepiti i po drugoj - ali i ovo je OK! 

To match my pink coat I wear my pink DrMarten's boots. I bought them last year on a sale in Benetton in Graz. I customized them a little by sticking some beads on just one boot. I didn't have enough for the whole pair and later, I was too lazy to finish it. But it's OK like this anyway.

Kombinaciju upotpunjava moja vjerna školska torba, kupljena u ZARI, koja svakodnevno podnosi teret od nekoliko kilograma knjiga.

This combination is rounded off with my dear faithful schoolbag from ZARA, which everyday puts up with the weigh of several kilos of schoolbooks.




 Danas smocrtali...

 ....i malo se slikali

Suknja HM, kaputić HM - teška rasprodaja, t-shirt Zara

...i malo vježbali po hodnicima škole..


 Can We Handle The Truth!? NY Times T Magazine editor, Stefano Tonchi:

“I think it is just the tip of the iceberg...

We all know that this is a very critical moment in fashion, and that basically he is the first victim of what is a conflict between creativity and business.

Today to be a fashion designer, you have to be a superman or superwoman. You have to have nerves of steel. You have to be so strong. And if you are a little bit weak, if you have psychological problems or weakness, you end up like him [McQueen].

Now you have to be a business manager, a marketer. It’s, what? Eight, ten, fifteen collections a year. Men’s, women’s, couture, diffusion. Then they want accessories. Then they want watches. Then they want jewelry. It’s a machine, and I think that killed him.”

We cannot look at the poor Alexander McQueen, abused child or abuser of substance,... I think you have to put it in a larger context in terms of the fashion system. He’s just one of the little cogs that got squeezed.”

Što se desilo, tko je on bio i zbog čega će nam svima faliti pročitajte OVDJE. 

Mnogi su obožavali njegove kolekcije.

Svima će nam faliti.



 RED, WHITE, AND BLUE PATENT LEATHER FLAG CLUTCH-SKULL CLASP CLOSURE- CRYSTAL EYE DETAIL- Nappa LEATHER LINING- Length 16.5 cm, Width: 11.5 cm, Depth: 5.5 cm. £690.00, check for yorself  HERE .

Ovo je torbica koju želim. Alexander McQueen. Britanska zastava. Koža. Otkačeno. U nju stane šminka, mobitel i zlatna kartica Americana. Košta pukih 7000 kn (690 GBP). Prava sitnica za mene, prodam koju svoju torbicu iz Zare, malo ušparam, još malo mama nadoda i torbica će biti moja!

This is the bag I want. Alexander McQueen. Union Jack. Leather. Fancy. Big enough to squeeze a lipstick, mobile and a Gold Visa Card. It costs mere 690 british pounds. If I sell all of my bags and half of my clothes, break my piggy bank, beg my parents to add some money on the pile...well...I could eventually get hold of it.

Za sada imam torbicu Accesorize. Britanska zastava. Šljokice. Otkačeno. Košta 150 kn na rasprodaji.
For the time being I have to put up with a bag from Accesorize. Union Jack. Pearls. Fancy. 15 GBP, on sale.




Da li su poderane čarape in? Što radite kada vidite da vam je otišla očica na čarapama?
Are the holes in stockings in? What do you do when you see your tights have got holes in them?


A)  Trčite kući i zamjenite čarape. Run home to get your tights changed.
B)  Trčite u prvu trgovinu i kupite nove čarape. Run to the nearest shop to buy a new pair.
C)  To se vama ne može dogoditi - uvijek u torbi imate spreman par novih čarapa. There is always a new pair of tights in your handbag. You are so well organized! 
D)  Sa smješkom na licu nosite svoje poderane čarape i uvodite novi trend. Uskoro primjećujete sve više            djevojaka sa poderanim čarapama.With a proud smile on your face you wear your torn out tights and you set a new trend. Very soon you notice more and more girls wearing torn out tights.

Prije dva tjedna bila sam u Zagrebu. Sjedim u Gradskoj Kavani i ziiiiip...ode očica.
Što mislite da sam napravila od gore ponuđenog?
Kad budem izabrala D, znat ću da sam stvarno COOL!

Two weeks ago I was in Zagreb, sitting in a cafe when...ziiiiip...here comes a hole in my tights.
From the above list, what do you think I chose and did?
The day I will choose D from the list, I will know I have become a really cool person!


Eto šta surfanje čini ljudima... ništa dobro od toga, donosi samo patnju i bol! Ubijajući vrijeme internetom nabasala sam na ovu dansku stranicu http://www.anywho.dk na kojoj cura prodaje svoje stvari, i to još super stvari...ne znam zašto bi se itko želio takvog šta riješiti...ugl. evo i predmeta moje patnje:

You see what surfing can do to people... nothing good, just suffering and misery! Killing my time on the internet I came across this danish site   http://www.anywho.dk where a girl sells her clothes and accessories. And the stuff is just awsome, I don't know why anyone would like to get rid of such good things. Anyway, here is the subject of my deep pain and suffering - YSL shoes. I want them so much!

This is what she wrote about them:
I bought these YSL lookies on freepeople.com a few weeks ago. I think they’re crazy pretty but the heels are way too high for me. The sole is 3cm and the heel is 15cm which means that I’m 1.95m when I wear them. If only I was 1.75m! They’re a size EU40, completely new, never worn and I paid DKK1.000.




Ove gombice me oduševljavaju!  Accesorize ih je iskoristio ove zime za svoje šalove, a ja sam odlučila sama naučiti raditi te male šarene loptice (da, da, voljela bi ja naučiti i štrikati i heklati i sve te bakine fore)... Zato sam se zaputila  do bake koja majstorski radi sve te meni komplicirane rukotvorine. Pokazala mi je svu mudrost izrade gombica (pa i nije to tako jako complicated!) i zajedno smo napravile ovu koja meni strši s glave. Sada je samo na meni red da se ja bacim na posao, kupim svakakve šarene vune i krenem bakinim stopama. I ja hoću tako lijepi šal kakav ima Accesorize!!!
PS Ukoliko želiš naučiti praviti gombice pogledaj Kid Craft


Taj predivni Accessorize šal

That wonderful Acessorize scarf! 

Moja prva gombica!
My first pom pom!

These pom poms are really cute! Accesorize used them in their winter collection of scarves, they are so colorful. A friend of mine has got one (in the photo) but I didnt want to buy one. 
I have decided to learn how to make it myself.  No kidding, I would really like to learn all those "old fashioned" skills my granny knows - kniting, embroydery.. So I paid her a visit with a handful of wool. She showed me how to make a pom pom (this one on my head is the first one I made). Actually, it is not complicated to make them at all. If you want to learn how, go to Kid Craft


This one is nice, too.