Hello all you fashion addicts out there!




Da li su poderane čarape in? Što radite kada vidite da vam je otišla očica na čarapama?
Are the holes in stockings in? What do you do when you see your tights have got holes in them?


A)  Trčite kući i zamjenite čarape. Run home to get your tights changed.
B)  Trčite u prvu trgovinu i kupite nove čarape. Run to the nearest shop to buy a new pair.
C)  To se vama ne može dogoditi - uvijek u torbi imate spreman par novih čarapa. There is always a new pair of tights in your handbag. You are so well organized! 
D)  Sa smješkom na licu nosite svoje poderane čarape i uvodite novi trend. Uskoro primjećujete sve više            djevojaka sa poderanim čarapama.With a proud smile on your face you wear your torn out tights and you set a new trend. Very soon you notice more and more girls wearing torn out tights.

Prije dva tjedna bila sam u Zagrebu. Sjedim u Gradskoj Kavani i ziiiiip...ode očica.
Što mislite da sam napravila od gore ponuđenog?
Kad budem izabrala D, znat ću da sam stvarno COOL!

Two weeks ago I was in Zagreb, sitting in a cafe when...ziiiiip...here comes a hole in my tights.
From the above list, what do you think I chose and did?
The day I will choose D from the list, I will know I have become a really cool person!